Dr.D.S. Dhote Sir, Staff and Students Participated in Blood Donation Camp Activity held at Dr.PDMC Hospital Amravati.
Author: Biyani B.Voc
Students Visited
Blood Donation
Guest Lecture
Academic Visit
Post Graduate students along with faculties Prof. S.A.Rodge sir, Ms. Mundada, Ms. Kalaskar, Ms. Bobade, Ms. Raut of Adarsh Mahavidyalaya Dhamangaon Rly. visited to the department on 14th October 2016. All the students performed the academic practicals of Bio-medical Instumentation on ECG machine, Pulse oximeter, Ventilator, X-ray machine, etc. Faculty members of our department had given demonstration of all the instruments and all the students also actively performed the practicals. Prof. Rodge expressed his views and thanks to the PG department of Electronics for the arrangement of such programme. Faculty members Dr. G.D.Agrahari, Dr. G.A.Raut, Mr. K.A.Borkar were present for this programme. Students of Adarsh Mahavidyalaya had shared their experience with sharing of different instruments.
B.Voc – Medical Equipment Techniques & Management
B.Voc – Medical Equipment Techniques & Management
B.Voc – Medical Equipment Techniques & Management
Academic Tour
Post graduate students of the department have visited to Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd and NVIS Technologies at Indore on 10th January 2017. Faculty members Dr. G.A.Raut, Mr. G.L.Purhad, Ms. N.R.Agrawal and Ms. N.S.Zambani also remained present with the students. Mr. S.Pawar sir of Scientech Technologes had given all the information about their products in the various fields such as Industry, Education, Health, Environment. He also explained different trends in the electronics fields such as IoT, Embedded system, VLSI and Bio-Medical Instrumentation. Students interact and observe all the process such as PCB fabrication, Component mounting, testing and simulation. Mr. S. Pawar Explained complete process of the fabrication of the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope i.e. CRO and its importance and significance at academic and industry level. All the students had actively participated in this visit and asked queries regarding Embedded system.
Mr. S.Pawar also allowed students to visit NVIS technologies where all hardware assembly, chasis of instruments were build. He explained complete process such as cutting, drilling, folding and mounting of complete chasis.